Monday, April 6, 2009

Bidding Farewell.........

No.....this blog is not on any new or sad topic as you might have guessed.Its AGAIN about my sister. know,mothers have to scold children when they're wrong or get out of control or something of the sort.The same goes with my sister.Just a few days ago my mother scolded my sister for spoiling the brand new T.V remote,and before your imagination runs wild....let me tell you that it was a normal scolding.....nothing to the extreme.And while scolding she also told her that she better use the old remote if she behaves like this again and she will not get any new remote if she spoils the present one.So,my dear sister got annoyed(well sort of angry) and got up from her seat,took the old remote ,opened a drawer and almost threw the remote into it.Of course.....its against her standard to use old and worn out things.It hurts her pride,yaar!!!
When she does such things,particularly to gain attention,we purposely start doing other things and ignore her and so she eventually cools down.But that,too, takes time,na?So before cooling down she does all possible things to gain attention.
And nevertheless she did the same that day.So my mother and I went into the kitchen to do something and she came following us and started yelling that she will never, under any circumstance,touch the old remote.We just listened but didn't respond.So she went out and sat for a little while,probably to think of some other tantrum to throw at us!!!!
Meanwhile we finished our work and went and sat in the hall(where my sister was sitting already).She immediately went inside and we could hear some noises et al.I went in the kitchen to see what she was upto and to my suprise I saw her with 3 picnic bags,digging out some clothes from the wardrobe.I understood her PLANS!!! I went outside,quietly,and told my mother.
We were laughing like crazy!! A few seconds later she came into the scene and sat beside my mother on the sofa and declared that she was leaving the house and going.
My mother replied cooly saying that she could go wherever she wanted to but she dare not come back because we will not open the door for her,come what may.Then my daadi-cum-sister asked"kem?" (meaning 'why' in gujarati).My mother kept on going and said that she would have to eat with the dogs,no one will give her good food,her clothes will wear out and so on.(She does this purposely to make her feel disgusted about leaving the house.)
My sister was listening carefully and we could make out that her plans were slowly changing.But still she sat in her sophisticated pose still holding her bags and I was so bursting out with laughter.Then I got a brainave.I ran inside and got a camera and captured that wonderful moment!!!
Then my sister got annoyed and said that she won't leave the house now that I have clicked her photo!!!What a wonderfully irrelevant reason she gave!!!But thats my sister.
So the end of the story,as always,is that my sister stayed back.(She has no other option!!)

This was another cute and cho-chweet incident in our life for which my dear sister is responsible.We love her for all these small things she does which we will always find cute and will remain as beautiful memories forever with us.

Love as always,

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